Terms And Conditions
The India Evolve Innovation Challenge (“Competition”) is organised and promoted by Asar Social Impact Advisors Private Limited (“Organiser”) to empower the youth of this nation to catalyse innovation for a sustainable delivery future.
By participating in the Competition and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the participating team (“Team”) agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions below (“Terms and Conditions“):
- The Team can comprise of a maximum of 5 (five) members (each team member is referred to as a “Member”) and the Members (except the Faculty Member referred to below) should be between the age group of 18 (eighteen) and 38 (thirty-eight) years (“Age Limit”).
- One of the Members of the Team may be a college faculty (“Faculty Member”) and the Faculty Member does not have to be within the Age Limit.
- All Members of the Team should be Indian citizens residing in India.
- The Team should be led by a Member, other than the Faculty Member.
- The Team should be able to present their idea in a clear and concise manner, using written, oral, and visual formats, as per the event guidelines and requirements.
- The Team should be able to participate in all the stages of the event, including the submission, evaluation, feedback, and final presentation rounds, and adhere to the deadlines and rules specified by the organizers.
- The Team should be open to receiving constructive feedback and suggestions from the organizers, the judges, and the mentors, and incorporate them into their idea as needed.
- The submissions of each Team for the Competition (“Submission”) should be written articulations of an idea which will help in accelerated EV transition of the last mile delivery sector in India. For further details on the Organisers, the Competition objectives, Competition process, judging criteria and important dates and deadlines, please refer to our IndiaEVolve.com website. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the Team and every Member of the Team acknowledge and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and also any other terms and details on the IndiaEVolve.com website as well.
- The Submissions can address one or more of the challenges in the last mile delivery sector, derived from the key problem statements captured in the IndiaEVolve.com website The ideas captured in the Submissions should be scalable (i.e., should have the potential of being expanded), viable, replicable (in different locations with similar traits and should also promote inclusive solutions.
- The Organisers also encourage the Teams to participate in webinars on the various problem statements which will be organized by the Organisers with policy-makers, industry experts, unions, and other stakeholders.
- The Submissions must be in English and submitted using the online form found at com website.
- Each Team can make only one Submission. In case it is found that any Team has submitted more than one Submission, all Submissions will be considered invalid.
- If a Team intends to make any changes to the Submission or update the Submission, subsequent to submitting the Submission, such Team may submit the revised Submission to the Organiser via email at contact@evolveindia.com within a period not exceeding five (5) calendar days from the date of actual submission of the Submission. The Organiser may at its sole discretion accept or reject such revised Submission.
- The Submission should be an original piece of work and must not violate or infringe the rights of any third party. If it comes to the Organiser’s notice that a Submission violates or infringes the rights of any third party, the submitting Team will be disqualified and in addition to disqualification, the Organiser has the right to seek appropriate legal remedies.
- The Submission must not contain any content, material or element that is:
a. derogatory, offensive, threatening, defamatory, disparaging, inappropriate, indecent, sexual, profane, tortuous, slanderous, or discriminatory in any way;
b. promotes hatred or harm against any group, community or person;
c. confidential, unlawful, or otherwise in violation of, or contrary to, any applicable laws and regulations.Any Team that breaches the aforementioned conditions captured in paragraph 2 (viii) above, will be disqualified from the Competition and will be subject to appropriate legal action.
- The Team and each individual Member understand and agree that their Submissions may be published online in the public domain (whether selected, shortlisted or otherwise). Therefore, the Team and each Member understand, comprehend, and agree to refrain from submitting any Submission (or content, material, or any element in the Submission) that (a) is confidential, (b) is deemed unsuitable for public disclosure, (c) if publicly disclosed, will infringe on the rights of any person or breach any obligations owed to any person or (d) which the Team or any Member does not wish to be publicly accessible.
- The Team and each individual Member grant the Organiser and any persons authorised by the Organiser, a non-exclusive, royalty free, worldwide, perpetual license in the Submissions (or any content, material or element thereof), to publish, reproduce, distribute, translate (in any language), promote, create adaptations and derivations, advertise or otherwise use the Submission (or any content, material or element thereof), in any and all format and media, whether now known or later developed, for the purpose of this Competition and for any future collaboration; provided that authorship of the Submission shall be attributed to the Team.
- The Team and each individual Member grant the Organiser and any persons authorised by the Organiser, a non-exclusive, royalty free, worldwide, perpetual license to:
- use and allow others to use the name, likeness, and biography of the Team and/or each Member in connection with the advertising, promotion, and distribution of the Submission (with attribution of authorship to the Team) across all means and mediums, for the purpose of this Competition.
- permit affiliates, subsidiaries and any such persons authorised by the Organiser, to use the Submissions (with attribution of authorship to the Team) for the purpose of the Competition.
- Notwithstanding the license granted in the Clause 3 (i) and (ii) above, the Organiser shall have the sole discretion and right to determine the mode and manner of exploitation of the Submission (or any content, material, or element thereof), for the purpose of this Competition.
The Team and each Member, jointly and severally, represent and warrant that the:
- The Team and each Member of the Team has the full right, authority, and capacity to enter into this Competition and to grant all the rights set forth in this Terms and Conditions to the Organiser;
- The Team (i.e., the Members collectively) is the owner of all rights, title, and interest in and to the Submission and the Team or any individual Member has not assigned, licensed, or otherwise transferred such rights in the Submission to any other persons;
- The Submission is an original piece of work and in no part is based upon or a derivative of any other work and does not infringe any third-party rights (including third party intellectual property rights);
- The Submission presented for the Competition has been created or developed solely for the purpose of this Competition and has not been submitted, licensed, assigned, shared, or otherwise disseminated to any third party;
- The information, content and data which form a part of the Submission are accurate to the best of the Team’s and each individual Member’s knowledge; and
- The Submission does not breach Clause 2 (viii) of this Terms and Conditions.
The Team and each Member shall, jointly and severally, indemnify and hold harmless the Organiser, its affiliates and its and their respective directors, officers, employees, partners and agents, and defend and save each of them harmless, from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) in connection with any and all suits, investigations, claims or demands arising from or occurring as a result of: (a) any breach or failure to perform its obligations under this Terms and Conditions; (b) fraud, gross negligence or wilful misconduct of theTeam or any Member in performing their obligations under this Terms and Conditions; (c) any violation of applicable law.
- Disclaimers:
- The Organiser reserves the right to present no prizes or commendations if an insufficient number of Submissions are received;
- The Team and its Members agree and acknowledge that the cash prize will be paid to the bank account details of one of the Members, as shared by the Team and such cash prize payable by the Organiser to the winning Team shall be subject to all applicable taxes under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and any other applicable law.
- The Organiser reserves the right to amend, change or waive any of terms captured in this Terms and Conditions;
- No requests relating to claims of re-evaluation of the entries will be considered;
- The decision of the Organise will be final and binding to all the Teams and Members;
- At any stage of the Competition, if a Submission or a Team (or any Member thereof) is found to violate this Terms and Conditions, such Team (and every Member of such Team) will be disqualified without giving any intimation.
- Non-disparagement: The Team and Members shall not, now or at any time in the future, directly or indirectly make any critical or disparaging statements to any third parties (including, without limitation, any print or broadcast media) about the Organiser and its employees and partners.
- Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: This Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of India. All parties to these Terms and Conditions agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Bangalore.
More details available in the PDF
If you have any queries, you may contact contact@indiaevolve.com
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